Summer 2024 GCE A-Level and GCSE Post-Result Services

This page explains the different stages and types of appeal you can make, and it is important that this is understood before any appeal is made. It is important to remember that grades can go down, go up or stay the same as a result of an appeal.

There are restricted timelines for students, centres, and examination bodies to work on appeals which are mentioned below.

If you have a place at university that is dependent on your appeal, you should tell the university you are hoping to receive the result  of your appeal, so they can decide how to handle your offer. You should also tell your school or college so they can ask the exam board to prioritise your appeal. The timelines for appeals will be as follows:

GCE AS and A-Level

  • 22 August – DEADLINE for the centre to receive requests for Priority Service 2 reviews of marking (GCE A-level qualifications only)
  • 29 August – DEADLINE for the centre to receive requests for copies of GCE AS and A-level scripts to support reviews of marking
  • 26 September – DEADLINE for GCE AS and A-level Reviews of Results (RoRs): Last date for the centre to receive requests
  • 26 September – Last day to apply for clerical re-checks (addition of marks etc)

Access to AS and A-Level Scripts

  • The paper is required for use as a means of revision and should be requested BY 23 AUGUST


  • 26 September – DEADLINE for the centre to receive requests for copies of GCSE scripts to support reviews of marking (Two weeks after the publication of GCSE results)
  • 26 September – DEADLINE for GCSE Reviews of Results (RoRs): Last date for the centre to receive requests.
  • 26 September – Last Day to apply for Clerical re-checks (addition of marks etc)

Access to GCSE Scripts

Priority Photocopy of Evaluated Script with Marks
  • This allows requesting a copy of the exam script to consider whether a re-mark should be applied for and should be made Between 25th August to 5th September.
Photocopy of Script with Marks
  • The exam script is required for use as a means of revision and should be requested by 26th September

Note: If requested a photocopy of the reviewed script(s) for those components included in access to scripts. An extra fee is levied for this service. Refer to the fee details for specific boards

Finally, if you believe the exam board has made a procedural error in handling your appeal, you can apply to Ofqual’s Exam Procedures Review Service (EPRS) to review the process undertaken by the exam board.

Our appeals commitment is designed to fit within this timescale and support students who need to make an appeal.

HIC Appeals Commitment

All appeals must be submitted on the correct electronic form – download respective link below.

HIC Post-Results Fee for Summer 2024

It is essential that the correct form is sent by electronic mail to HIC email address for the correct stage of an appeal.

When submitting your form by email please name it with the convention: Surname_CandidateNumber_SubjectCode_UnitCode.
If you are unable to submit your appeal by email you can print it and send to the Main College Office, please mark the envelope clearly “APPEAL, for the attention of The Examinations Officer”.

Harrow Independent College
308-310, Eastcote Lane

Results of appeals will be sent to student’s and parent’s registered email account (as requested) of the student appealing.
